““What people really want is the ability to connect with each other””
One of the most rewarding things about INSIDE OUT is that I get to surround myself with great people. People who encourage, push, inspire and challenge me. I thank my lucky stars every single day.
We are building our tribe. People connected by their passion to make a difference to the wellbeing of our children. People who understand that happiness fuels success, not the other way around.
And our tribe is connecting with each other. Mindfulness experts with outdoor learning experts. Teachers from one school with parents from another. Positive psychologists with entrepreneurs.
Here are the 8 schools we are working with in Berkshire and Oxfordshire:
Thameside Primary School
The Palmer Academy
Ranikhet Academy
The Ridgeway Primary School
Caversham Park Primary School
Windmill Primary School
John Blandy Primary School
Hagbourne CE Primary School
Our tribe continues to grow. If you or your school want to find out more about our work, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me here.