Engaging Teachers

How do we excite teachers who haven’t been on a Magical Day Out about INSIDE OUT so they can help children feel happier and learn better?


We asked Ingrid Burton, a teacher at Thameside Primary School, for her advice. She suggested an INSIDE OUT workshop for teachers at school. Who better to help us develop this than Thameside teachers themselves — our partners from the very beginning.

Attendees included:

• Deputy Headteachers

• SENCO’s (Special Educational Needs Coordinators)

• PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) Coordinators

• ELSA’s (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)

Teachers learned about the INSIDE OUT approach and how it can be applied through our Toolbox for Schools. Just like the children do, they breathed from their bellies and watched the ducks rise and fall. They felt the weather inside and charged up their Happiness stones with happy thoughts. We shared ideas … and homemade biscuits!